Monday, April 23, 2012

Justin Bieber Mocks Baby Mama Accuser Mariah Yeater via Twitter

Remember that pesky Justin Bieber baby rumor that was everywhere? Well the pop singer has decided to mock the young woman who accused him of fathering her child. Oh yes nothing like Twitter and a teen pop sensation to make a serious matter entertaining. On Saturday Bieber ended an hour of random tweeting with fans by mocking Mariah Yeater, who you all may or may not know as the woman who accused him of being her baby?s daddy. He Tweeted the below message to the accuser: ?Dear mariah yeeter [sic] …we have never met…so from the heart I just wanted to say…” The message also included a YouTube link to Sacha Baron Cohen?s Borat character repeating the words ?You?ll never get this?. You can see that video that I am referring to in below; it is hysterical as I am sure you guessed. Not that I am sure you need any reminding but a few months ago Yeater filed a lawsuit saying Bieber was the father of her child. The ?Baby? singer stood strong and denied that he was the father, he even took a paternity test and Mariah?s case quickly crumbled. Later the lawsuit was dropped when it became [...]

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