Sunday, February 5, 2012

Less Cancer Founder Bill Couzens Reports -Twenty Five Co ...

Submitted by Representative Israel- Twenty Five Co-Sponsors for
House Resolution Supporting National Cancer Prevention Day February
4, 2012, reports Bill Couzens Founder of LessCancer and National
Cancer Prevention Day. Less Cancer Founder Bill Couzens ?I encourage all of us to think about prevention and how we can reduce risks in our environment and lead healthy lifestyles. I applaud the work that Less Cancer is doing in this regard.? Rep. Steve Israel

National Cancer Prevention Day, February 4th, 2012,serves to remind people that when looking at cancer they need to look at prevention, and reducing risks for human health and the environment. The resolution, entered in the House of Representatives, states that when we work to prevent cancer risks, it impacts human health, the environment, and the economy.

?Today on National Cancer Prevention Day, we recognize everyone who has been touched by this terrible disease, either directly or indirectly,? said Congressman Steve Israel, Co-Chairman of the House Cancer Caucus.Having introduced the resolution, he went on to say, ?I encourage all of us to think about prevention and how we can reduce risks in our environment and lead healthy lifestyles. I applaud the work that Less Cancer is doing in this regard.?

At the state level, the work for Cancer Prevention Day started when Resolution SJ 358 passed on February 3, 2011 in the Virginia Senate honoring the work of Less Cancer and naming February 4, 2011, and every succeeding February 4, as Cancer Prevention Day in the state of Virginia.

Virginia State Senator Jill Holtzman Vogel, who introduced the resolution, later said, "It is my honor to undertake the work to establish Cancer Prevention Day in the Commonwealth. The more energy and resources that we direct toward awareness, education and prevention, the more lives we save."

Bert Johnson (D ? Detroit, Michigan) introduced the resolution forFebruary 4th of each year as ?Cancer Prevention Day? in Michigan. ?Nearly everyone knows a friend or loved one who has suffered from or lost someone to cancer,? Sen. Johnson said. ?As with most health care issues, raising awareness and increasing prevention is one of the best ways to combat this disease.?

Bill Couzens, who originally hails from Detroit, Michigan is a graduate of Wayne State University and the Founder and President of the nonprofit Next Generation Choices Foundation and the widely known Less Cancer Campaign. The Campaign has worked to raise awareness for the reduction of cancer risks. Founded in 2004, Next Generation Choices Foundation partners with communities to create and dispense educational tools that focus on environmental health advocacy and lifestyle choices.

The public charity was formed in response to the escalating cases of cancer and the lack of education and knowledge about potential causes. Couzens has been recognized by Congress in addition to the Commonwealth of Virginia for his work in initiating and creating best practices to reduce pesticide drift in health effected communities such as schools. He has been published in a number of periodicals and has been a speaker on the topic of reducing harmful environmental exposures linked to cancer. Couzens regularly speaks on human health and environment issues.

Next Generation Choices Foundation Board is Chaired By Thomas M. Sherman, MD, and Board Members include Bill Couzens, Greg Lam, Ronald B. Herberman MD, Veronique Pittman, Maryann Donovan PhD, MPH, Science Reporter Miles O'Brien, John Couzens, Stormy Stokes Hood.


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